Sunday, March 31, 2013

On The Thirty-First Day: Fielder's Choice (The Day I Learned About the Birds and the Bees)

Mom had my brother and myself sit down on the couch this early afternoon in 1985. She changed the channel on the TV by hand to "4", and turned on the VCR and popped in a VHS (We ALL have been here, I am sure! ;-D). She said, "Just watch this with me and your Dad, and when it is over, we will take questions."

The name of this Movie is a VERY Familiar One, and I was able to find it online:

Watch Life's Greatest Miracle on PBS. See more from NOVA.

Calvin and I sat and watched in Amazement and Wonder as we learned about Sex, and the Main Purpose of Having Sex: Procreation.

*When I went through the Puberty Phase and Remembered the Secondary Function of My Primary Weapon, I was waiting until Marriage to have Sex. I would lose My Virginity at the age of 22 to a young lady named Tracy*

Watching how Sex was preformed and have it described to us, and how the Sperm leaves the Penis and enters the well lubricated Vagina, we learned that the Soldiers then take an Odyssey to ultimately wind up at the egg and start the Baby Cycle.

1985 Andrew (Age 7): O_O "WOW..."

1985 Calvin (Age 4): O_O

Step by Step, the Video's narrator explained the development of the Fetus, as it sprouts limbs, and begins to take shape with fingers and toes. The baby's Head was big, and we listened to the baby's heartbeat.

We were AMAZED!!!

We watched how nine months passed by within an hour time span, and then the baby's birth.

What I remember of THAT Scene, was the baby's head sticking out of the lady's groundhog hole, and then her reaching down and rubbing the baby's head.


THAT was something that was REALLY Unexpected...

She then pushed the baby out, and the baby was in the World officially. Movie Over.

Mom and Dad looked at us and asked "So! Any Questions?"

1985 Andrew (Age 7): O_O "WOW..."

1985 Calvin (Age 4): O_O

1985 Andrew (Age 7): "Mommies and Daddies do that when they are married?"

Mom: "Yes they do. And ONLY when they are Married."

1985 Andrew (Age 7): "OK. does it hurt?"

Mom: "When I had you and Calvin, it did hurt."

*NOTE: Mom had 2 C-Sections; I was meant to be born in April, but came out in March. Calvin had the Umbilical Cord wrapped around his neck in March during Month #6, and had to be removed to save his Life; he was to be born in June to coincide with Dad's Birthday.*

1985 Andrew (Age 7): "Oohhhh... Are you OK now?"

Mom: *Laughing* "Yes, I am fine. Are you going to have Babies when you are Married?"

1985 Andrew and Calvin: "Yes!!"

Arguably, the MOST Solidified Day that I will NEVER Forget.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

On The Thirtieth Day: Your Proudest Day to Date

There are SOOOO MANY!!!!

If I can select ONE DAY, it would be something Perpetual: My Proudest Day is when I Wake Up and Do something Positive.

I say this because that I try to accomplish this Every Day.

On One Hand, Waking Up is a Luxury for people in general.

On the Other Hand, there are those who are TRYING to Wake Up from Situations in which they are placed (albeit by their own hand, or by extenuating circumstance(s) ).

As far as doing something Positive, I try my hardest to be a Positive Influence by doing right by others,  Righting My Wrongs, Admitting Fault(s), Learning, and Growing from the lessons.

When those feats are Satisfied, I look at myself and I am Proud.

On the Twenty-Ninth Day: What You Were Doing Today

It was a pretty chill day today.

I made Tuna Salad this morning for dinner tonight, looked up My Book "WORDPLAY: Poetry for The Soul" (Googling "Wordplay Andrew Boyd" does the trick), and discovered that I am currently ranked #50 on's Amazon Hot New Releases in 20th Century American Poetry.


Spoke with My Dad about the Sale of My Book, and how I am Thinking that it MAY BE Selling better than I Thought; Comparing between Downloading and Physical Copies. He is Impressed seeing that this is My First Book, and I am Ranked #50 on Amazon's List (No Longer on the List... :-( )

I went to the Shop Rite, and bought a few item for my Great Uncle and myself.  Made Dinner at 5:30PM, and had a Quasi-Productive Evening and Night. Watched the NCAA Tournament, and then ran to 7-Eleven around 1:15AM for a Cheeeseburger Bite, 2 cans of Red Bull, A bag of Herr's Kettle Potato Chips, and Cheez-Its. Spoke with Caprice around 1:30AM, and was in bed by 3AM.

Friday, March 29, 2013

On The Twenty-Eighth Day: The Day You had Your First Fight. Why?

I cannot remember the Why mainly due to the fight being over Kiddie Stuff, yet it was me and my brother Calvin. We were young, we were having a bit of a Sibling Rivalry (I THINK), and I do remember he and I swinging on each other, and I bit him on his ass.

After a few minutes we squashed it, and we were good.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

On The Twenty-Seventh Day: A Day in Your Life (Explain an Average Day of Yours)

I'll be time stamping like a Mofo today (You caught me on a Good Day, and I will be using things that I have done today. 98% is Routine)...

8:59AM: Turning off my phone's Alarm.

9:10AM: Rolling out of bed to give my Great Uncle his Eye Drops for his Glaucoma, check his Blood Pressure, and one Percocet for the pain that he is experiencing from his Stage Four Prostate Cancer (The Cancer is to a Point where... well, Day Twenty-Five was short for this very reason). Shooting my First text to My Cynthia.

9:20AM: We make our way downstairs where I turn on the TV and turn to "Cheaters". My Great Uncle sits at the table, and I make him breakfast (he either has oatmeal, cold cereal, or a bagel; his appetite is diminishing, and I am now closely monitoring his intake. He recently requested for his coffee and hot tea to be half a cup instead of a full cup).

*NOTE: he is also an Amputee. His right leg was taken off in a Car Accident in September of 2007. This is Why I help him downstairs. He does have a Prosthetic, yet his eye sight is not the best.*

9:25AM: I make my cup of coffee, and then log in to the computer. I check my email for Job Postings, and hopefully messages from potential employers for an interview or AT THE LEAST an acknowledgment that they are not interested in moving forward with my application and resume.

9:30AM: On Facebook, looking at the Main Feed for Mafia Wars postings, and News for My Profile Page so that they are highlighted. Mafia Wars is started, and I post links for assistance. Second "Cheaters" episode is starting.

10AM-11AM: Clear my Great Uncle's sitting place, and Watch "Wendy Williams". Depending who is on her show ( or whatever she is talking about), I wash the dishes. Afterwards, play a few games and check statuses on Facebook. Promote my book as well as my friends' venture(s) on My Author Page.

11AM: Help my Great Uncle to his room. Depending on her workload, responding to Cynthia's Text. Spacing of time between texting varies from Day to Day; Light Days of work, Heavy Days of work you know?

11:30AM: Wait for my Great Uncle to finish using the bathroom. When he is done, take a shower then get dressed.

12PM: Check on My Great Uncle, and see that he has his snack. Go downstairs, and turn on "Maury" or "The People's Court". Start my Job Hunting on CareerBuilder, and Monster.

12:15PM: Receive a Deer Park Water Delivery.

1PM: Give my Great Uncle his Second Percocet of the Day, and make sure that he has plenty of water (getting him to drink 4 bottles before 9PM, is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT STORY; This is ABSOLUTELY Necessary due ot his having Weak Veins for Blood Draws when his doctors need Blood). Watch "Judge Mathis".

2PM: Watching "Steve Wilkos", and Channel Surfing while filling out Applications; Facebook is in an open window being watched for Notifications and Messages from others throughout the day/night.

2:30PM-3:30PM: Stretch my legs by going to Shop Rite for Snacks and things for the house. Also, go to China House I for Shrimp Egg Rolls (No longer going to Burger King, due to the Discovery of Horse Meat in their Food).

4PM: Watching "Judge Judy", and continuing my Job Hunting. Cracking Jokes with Dad, as well as talking about things going on with the Family.

5PM: Giving my Great Uncle his Third Percocet for the Day. Return downstairs and turn on the kettle for hot water for tea.

5:15PM-5:30PM: Helping my Great Uncle down the stairs so we can have dinner. Dad cooks, and dinner is served.

6PM-7PM: Watching "Two and a Half Men" (Charlie Sheen's Two and a Half Men), and finishing up dinner.

7PM: Helping my Great Uncle upstairs to his room for the night. Come downstairs and do the dinner dishes.

8:55PM: Give my Great Uncle his night time Eye Drops, and his Fourth Percocet for the Day.

9PM-10:15PM: Watch what ever is on TV, while proofreading my Poetry for my Second Book; Uploading often to CreateSpace for Alignment purposes.

10:15PM-11PM: Call into BlogTalk Radio, and recite my Improvised Poem "Face Off!"

11PM: Turning on "Adult Swim" and leaving the TV on that station. Uploading my Poetry more, and more Job Hunting. Shooting Cynthia a Good Night Text or Phone Call, and letting her know that I am thinking of her, and Sweetest Dreams for her.

1AM: Giving my Great Uncle his Percocet to Start his early AM regimine, and leaving one for when he awakens at 5AM (Military Training; he is a Retired Sergeant of the US Army. Vietnam was the War, yet was never Deployed). Eating oatmeal (or some kind of snack), playing FB Games, and watching TV.

2AM-2:45AM: Bedtime.

Monday, March 25, 2013

On The Twenty-Fifth Day: A Day You're Currently Planning For

In a way, I REALLY Cannot answer this one.

The only REAL Answer that I can give, is that there is a crisis going on in my family now, and it will mean plans that are very unfavorable for us. The road with which we are currently traveling is rough: testing the patience, understanding, and mettle of those that are directly affected by what is occurring.

When that day comes, I told My Dad to NOT have me do something on that Day due to how my mouth is and will be, and I would stoop to the level of those that were acting in that manner. He agreed, and I already know that my Parents, my brother, Best Friend, and GF Will Not see it happen on that Day.

On The Twenty-Fourth Day: A Memorable Summer Day

This Day was a Fun Day!

I was coming off of a Break Up (conclusion of the Fifth Day), and wasn't too happy with myself. My Parents took my brother, my brother's GF, three of our friends, and myself to Six Flags this Summer Day, and we had a BLAST!!!

Rides, Great Food, and Couples Counselling from my brother's GF!?!?!

*If You All ONLY KNEW; She had (AND STILL HAS) More Issues than a Magazine Kiosk in Times Square... o_O *

We went to the Water Park and had a Grand Time! We went to the Amusement Park, and Had a Ball!

THEN Came Dinner...

We are all sitting at the table, and Calvin brings up a topic that brought the table to a Screeching Halt. He said, and I Quote:

"My Best AND Worst Drinking Experience came from THAT MAN!!"

The finger was pointed at Me.

*Quick Story: I was the Brilliant Mixologist at the 2004 Christmas Dinner at my Parents' house at the time; Mom and Dad moved to Arizona due to Mom receiving a Job Opportunity in that state. I mixed drinks for Calvin and his friends and needless to say, if you are tripping UP the sidewalk and doing tuck and rolls, I did the DAMN THING mixing drinks.*

ALL EYES were on Me at that Moment; Calvin with a grin, Calvin's GF cackling like a "high as a kite" hen, Christopher and his then GF Janae were chuckling, Mom's friend Rhonda was laughing, Dad shook his head, and here is Mom Yelling:


Well Damn... He CHOSE to Drink it!!

After dinner, Calvin's GF was chasing me for some odd reason, and I run into a Big Lady's Wide Behind.

Embarrassing, Yes.

I apologized to the lady, and Calvin's GF was hysterically laughing.

We all took a Group Picture, and then loaded up to go home.

Despite Calvin ratting me out like the Snitch that he was at the time, it was a pretty dang good time!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

On The Twenty Third Day: The Day You Turned 21


Not much that I remember about this day, unfortunately. I know that 21 is a Milestone.

March 8, 1999 was the date that I turned 21. I THINK I worked that day. I received a few Birthday Wishes from coworkers, and just worked.

No Cake, No Party: just another day, with the only difference that I was one year older.

On The Twenty-Second Day: A Day with the Family You'll Never Forget

If my memory serves me correctly, this occurred in the Summer of 1994...

The Morning started with Dad picking up a green 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee rental for our Surprise Adventure. We loaded up the Jeep, and were on the road by 8:30AM. Calvin and I were excited to see new sights as we were heading South. Seeing the City that we were leaving, going through toll booths, and looking at the World as we ventured through and it passed us by.

Then after about 3 and a half hours in the car, we took a nap.

When we woke up, we see new buildings, and a sign saying "Welcome to Virginia." My little brother Calvin and I get comfortable in the car again and some time later, we arrive in Williamsburg, VA. we check into a hotel room, and get situated. We had dinner at a restaurant, and returned to our room and Watched "Poltergeist" (Maybe my Movie Buffs can tell me which one it was where they were in the Hotel; it was That One...). Due to the dinner that we had, Calvin and I gave our parents a little gift:

A LOT of Gas.

Something about tooting gives ALMOST Everyone the giggles, and our stomachs were hurting from the Laughter!!

That morning, we had breakfast, and went to Busch Gardens!

This Amusement Park was A-MA-ZING!!! Plenty to see and do there! Three monstrous roller coasters: The Big Bad Wolf, Drachenfire, and The LochNess Monster were TRUE BEASTS!!!

My Dad and Calvin are Adventurous types when it comes to Coasters , and hopped on all of them. Me not so much (at the time) due to a slight issue that I had:

I (AT THE TIME) was DEATHLY Afraid of Heights!!! You COULD NOT Bribe me to get onto a Coaster back then!

While they were in the air being rolled around and having a blast, I hung with Mom and rode the simple kiddie rides. After Calvin and Dad had their fun, we all rode just about everything else that didn't take us off the ground. Food at the Amusement Park? You Bet!! Lunch AND Dinner there! It was a Blast and a half there!!

After having a lot of fun (and Whiplash), we returned to the Hotel, and slept.

The next morning was our last day in Williamsburg. We went to breakfast at a nice restaurant. While coming out, we were approached by a young African American Lady, and this is how THIS Conversation went:

Young Lady: "Good Morning everyone! How are you?"

Us: "We're fine!"

Young Lady: "That's good! How would You like to visit a Plantation here?"


We kindly declined and loaded into the car. Dad, OF COURSE, is the first to say something as he started the car.

"We spent 500 years running away from a place like that, and she is trying to take us back!! And she is Black!!"

We know that it is her job, but DAMN!!!

We went back to the Busch Gardens once more, and went on a few rides again (this was a Special Package that my parents found). I knew at that time that I needed to do something:

I MUST Ride the Coasters, and Overcome My Fear!

Mom, Dad, and Calvin were very happy to hear that I wanted to overcome my fear of Heights, and suggested that we ride the first car of each roller coaster.


We got onto the LochNess Monster's first car, and we felt the car moving. I am out of my mind scared, UNTIL Calvin said one thing:

"Look Straight Ahead."

That is all well and good, but WTF?!! We are going down, and I am to Look Ahead?!!!

When we hit the peak of the very first hill, I looked straight ahead, and then we were going down at top speed. STILL looking ahead, which is Now Downward.

Gee Calvin, THANKS!

In All Honesty, it was Fun! I was scared of heights for nothing!! Everyone was happy to see me Conquer that Huge Fear! After the LochNess Monster, The Big Bad Wolf, and Drachenfire were on the list and were defeated.

After we hung around the park, we bid farewell to Busch Gardens and Williamsburg, VA.

One of the very few Family Moments that we have had together in the realm of Traveling. And The Best.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

On The Twenty-First Day: The Day You Met Your Most Recent/or Last Love

Saturday, June 2, 2012:

It was a Beautiful Saturday Morning in Philadelphia, and one of my MOST Favorite Times of the Year.

Yes: They were ALL There!!

(From L-R: Jeri Ryan, Paul Wesley, Chris Hemsworth, Stan Lee, William Shatner, CM Punk, Hayden Panettiere)

Days leading up to this Fateful Day, I was approached by a Young Lady named Cynthia with whom I play Zynga's "Mafia Wars" daily. She had approached me about a month before via Inbox before asking about Cheesesteak places in Philly that make a very good product. I gave her the Name and Address of one that I frequent; COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS of the Fact that she was Flirting as well as interested in meeting me. She left the issue alone, and Thanked Me for the info.

About a week later, I had an Issue with a Rival Player and a Potential Bullying Issue (Yeah.. Bullying In games DOES Happen). I approached Cynthia via Inbox, and she became the Mediator between myself and the Godmother of the Rival Family with whom the Potential Bully was located (BTW, Cynthia is one of three Godmothers in the Mafia Wars Family of which I am a part). Relaying messages between myself and the Godmother of that particular family, we have reached a Peace and the Issue was resolved.

At the same time, Cynthia got a pretty good taste of my writing style, and became even more intrigued with me. All of a sudden, she is liking almost everything on my page! I had an inkling that SOMETHING was up, and ANOTHER Cynthia (who I lovingly call "Twin" due to our Month and Day of Birth are Exact; My Cynthia was born in June) pretty much bludgeoned me over the head by saying, "STEP TO HER, TWIN!! SHE HAS A MAJOR CRUSH ON YOU!!"

Say WHAT Now?!!

Following the Blunt Advice of My Twin, I approached Cynthia:

"Evening, Cynthia. Hope that hings are going well with you and yours. I have an Off Topic Question. I am always writing Poetry and am always interested in the Opinion of Others. Would you like to read a few pieces that I wrote?"

Cynthia said Yes, and I passed on the following Poems:

-A Tear's Impact
-Wishfully Whimsical; A Seussical Poem

She really appreciated and enjoyed reading those poems. Then I asked her what genre of poetry that she would like to read. Cynthia said "Romance." When she said THAT, I knew Exactly Which Poems to give her (and to this Day, she STILL Blushes when I mention them):

The "A Dinner Date" Trilogy:

-A Dinner Date
-After Dinner Mint

She read all three before she went to bed, and she was Speechless; a Rarity for her. She hung onto and Loved each and every one! From that day forward, we spoke every day, and NOT about Mafia Wars!!

I mentioned to Cynthia that Comic Con was in Philadelphia the next day (May 30), and was curious as to being interested in attending with me. She said Yes and she was very excited to meet me, as was I!

While speaking with her about Comic Con, I passed another Poem to her:

I Saw Mommy Killing Santa Claus. She LOVED that one, with her Sick Sense of Humor that I Enjoy!!

Yeah: We can be some Sick Pups 'Round Here!

*NOTE: She was VERY Hesitant as to Meeting me that day; she told me that she was flip-flopping about the idea, and ALMOST Cancelled. She spoke to her girlfriends and they encouraged her, even said that he must be Something Special for you to step out of your Comfort Zone and check out a Comic Book Convention*

Comic Con Saturday is here. I am already in Center City and waiting on Cynthia to arrive. She called me around 11AM and told me that she has parked in a Lot, and is making her way towards The Philadelphia Convention Center. I walked up to where she was walking down, and see her across the street. I cross the street to where I was walking behind her. I pick up my pace just a little, and slip my hand into hers. She looks at me in Shock, then turning into Sheer Delight! We hug right then and there, and she gives me a peck on the lips.

... ... ...

Excuse me, I had a moment replaying this moment in my mind... *^_^*

We walk hand in hand to the Convention Center to The Wizard World Comic Con. I purchased the Tickets (THANKFULLY, a Short Line before the Crowd REALLY got in there), we walked into Comic Con, and Took a Few Pictures while taking in the event .

I should have taken a few more pics of that day. I even had a REALLY Nice one of her holding the Hellboy II Samaritan Gun. I must've done something wrong with my phone and deleted the pic... :-(

I say, Fair Trade Off!!

We spoke a lot, got to know each other, held hands the entire time, and met a friend of hers who happened to be there (he too is a Comic Book Fan as are his children, yet I sensed that he was there to Gauge Me.... lol!!). We walked the entire length of the floor, which was No Joke and NOTHING to Mess With if you are not used to walking all over the place.

We took a breather outside of the event in the Main Halls. We sat down, talked, held hands, and felt A LOT of Chemistry. After about 30 minutes, we went back in, continued on, and would up leaving around 6PM. We went to the Reading Terminal Market for dinner. Afterwards, around 8PM, we went to South Street and walked around there for an hour or so. We went into a few shops, window shopped, and enjoyed each other's company.

The night ended when she dropped me off at the house, and we gave each other a Good Night Hug and Kiss.

That Day is definitely a Day that we will never forget. Who knew that a Game on Facebook would create a Romance between a Beauty and a Geek?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

On The Twentieth Day: The Most Memorable Day of Your Childhood

This day was a warm day, where my parents, my brother Calvin, and I decided to sit outside and enjoy the afternoon. I was six at the time.

*Before I go any further, I need You All to know that there was a phone call that came in earlier, and Mom picked it up. She then pulled Dad into their bedroom so they could talk.*

While sitting outside and having a nice time outside of the apartment building's stoop, a man walks up to us. He hugs my Mom, shook Dad's hand (from what I can recollect). Mom introduced Calvin to him, and then Me:

Mom: "Andrew, this is Lamont. He is Your Father."

*SIDEBAR: I'll be using this pic a little more often...*

ALL OF THIS TIME, I Thought that the Man by whom I was raised was My Father; WHY ELSE would I call him "Dad"?

Lamont shakes my hand, and asks how I was doing. I tell him that I was fine like a regular seven-year-old would respond. My parents speak to one another briefly, and then Lamont returns to speaking with me. He said verbatim:

"We are going to spend time together! We will go to McDonald's, talk some more and learn a little more about one another. Does that sound good to You?"

I was smiling a little bit, STILL Processing what was going on. I then grew into the idea, and said, "OK."

At this point, Mom said the ONE THING that Shaped Me into Who I am today, and Why I have a CLEAR and Stomach Churning Disdain for a Particular Word:

"Lamont, don't make Promises that you do not intend to keep."

Lamont responds, "I Promise."

He said that he would pick me up the next Saturday, and my parents were good with that arrangement.

That Saturday rolled around: No Lamont.

I'm going to be Honest with You All:

To this Day, I still have ZERO MEMORY of the 3-6 months after that Day came and went.

Was it for the better? Hell No.

Am I better off NOT Knowing? Hell No.

Dad brought it up in my mid-twenties, and he said that he and Mom had to deal with the Backlash that followed: My being a Tyrant due to someone lying to me for the Very First Time.

SOME FUCKING STRANGER WHO HAD THE FUCKING NERVE TO CALL HIMSELF MY FATHER LIED TO ME; He Promised that we would do things together, and he LIED to a Child's Face!!!

Yeah, I have a Nasty Taste in My Mouth bringing this Up, yet this is what I chose to Dig Up; I can only Blame Myself, to Tell the Truth (Discussing this Day, NOT Lamont Lying to Me; The Fuck did I do to him? Besides, This is Therapy; I need to express how I feel instead of keeping it all in. Hmmm. Day 31, perhaps...).

Anyhow, Life has a Way of showing that I WAS Better Off NOT Knowing him:

He is a Drug Addicted Alcoholic who was In and Out of Jail, all the while being a Lying Deadbeat Sperm Donor who created with Another Young Lady My Little Sister with whom I Love to Pieces.

She and I buried him in Early February of 2009, due to his actions causing a Fatal Car Accident where he killed three others including himself while Speeding on the Highway in Delaware.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

On The Nineteenth Day: Your Favorite Day of the Week and Why

One Reason being that I confirm plans for the Weekend with Family and Friends. The Main Reason is that it is the Precursor for the Weekend. Just knowing that The Weekend is on the tip of the Calendar Week's tongue makes it all the more sweeter, as if it is a teaser to what is going to happen with all of the Free Time for the next two and a half days (the Math is about right, and dependent of your employment state).

I don't subscribe to the "Thirsty Thursday" notion to tell the truth; I am too much of a dull guy to pick up a bottle of libations (esp. when people that come to visit are STAUNCH LUSHES and will make it vanish before I get a chance to set the bottle down after cracking it open).

I do appreciate a Good Thursday Drinking Story, if you have one...

Monday, March 18, 2013

On The Eighteenth Day: The Last Day of Your First Adult Job

September 23, 2006.

This was my last Saturday at Nordstrom Rack in King of Prussia. I was going on Medical Leave as soon as I punched out at 3 PM that day.

Leading up to this day, I was diagnosed with a VERY RARE form of Bacterial Infection in my Peritoneum; one that My Hospital has NEVER seen in their History: Mycobacterium Abscessus, which is a rapidly growing mycobacterium that is a common water contaminant.

Looks like this:

Yeah... That is what I had going on inside of my Peritoneum where my Peritoneal Dialysis catheter was located, but in a Pea Green color. I either got it while showering at my grandmother's house, or in my shower after the bathroom and kitchen were renovated.

It was like any other day at The Rack: clocked in at 8 AM, checked and tidied up the Sales Floor, and started working on my shipments for the Shoes Department.

My coworkers and successors Corey and Tom were there early, and shook my hand and offered their Well-Wishes. While testing Corey and Tom for the last time on the Merchandising Log on the computer, the Store Manager (trying to remember her name, yet drawing a blank) pulled me to the side, and asked if Corey and Tom were ready to Head the Helm of the Shoes Department Stockroom. I assured her that I left the responsibility in the Right and Best Hands; they have been learning from me from the day that they set foot into the Shoes Stockroom, and followed each and every detailed direction that I gave. After we had our conversation, she offered her Well-Wishes, and expressed holding on to Hope that I would be well enough to return to The Rack.

More coworkers came through the Stockroom (the way that the store is situated, you have to graze the stockroom before hitting the Sales Floor) and gave hugs, kisses, handshakes, offerings of Prayer, and Well-Wishes before they did not get the chance and I was gone. A few asked if I was feeling alright physically, and I assured them that I was. I explained to them that I was going into The Hospital of The University of Pennsylvania to have the catheter removed, some of the infected tissue would be carved out, and I would have two open slits in my abdomen where the infected tissue was removed.

After putting in about 4 hours, I went to lunch around 12 PM (I tend to linger in my area every time when the lunch bell sounded in my head, just to make sure that everything was in order and completed). Returning at 1 PM, Corey, Tom, and I cleaned up the Stockroom, cracked jokes, and Battle Rapped (I was still a little wet behind the ears, but was holding my own). By the time 1:45 PM came around, we did one last walkthrough of the Stockroom, and I gave the Final Lessons as far as the Merchandising Log. They were very fast learners, and I knew that the Stockroom was in very capable hands.

2:45 rolled around, and I started my Last Walk onto the Sales Floor, hugging, kissing, and shaking hands of my coworkers and a few regulars that shopped with us. It was 5 minutes until Quitting Time, and I spoke with Human Resources and the Store Manager. They asked if there was anything that they could do, just give them a ring. I Thanked them both, and gave them hugs. Sharon, the Men's Department Manager, was the last Sales Manager I saw, where we hugged for what felt like forever (The history between Sharon and I go back to the about 1998, while she was Manager(?) at the Nordstrom Rack at the Mall at the Source in Westbury, NY, and I worked as the Lead Customer Service Associate at the Franklin Mills Mall location when it was open). The very last people that I saw were Chris, Chuck, and Gwen from Loss Prevention. I shook the Men's hands, and gave Gwen the Biggest Hug out of everyone that I hugged (I developed a bit of a soft spot for Gwen; she is Such a Sweetheart!)

I clocked out, and walked down 6 flights of stairs, and left the building as a now former employee of Nordstrom Rack after 8 Years of Service.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

On The Seventeenth Day: A Day Where You Helped Someone in a Big Way

 Nothing comes to mind...

On The Sixteenth Day: The Day of a Child's Birth (Family or Close Friends Apply)

I do not remember much of this day, yet I do remember vivid that my former coworker gave birth to her fourth child; a girl.

My ex and I met up with my coworker's family at the hospital. We got a chance to see and speak with her before she started kicking the baby out of her uterus due to her not paying the rent.

Wanda (my coworker) said that she had a shot in her spine to reduce the pain that she was feeling, and she looked H-A-P-P-Y!!! She was cracking jokes and all! When the docs came in, they had us leave; they knew what needed to be done.

Baby Time.

All I can remember of this day was that part, and A LOT of Screaming. When it was all said and done, here comes Wanda's Daughter screaming her little lungs out. For me, when I hear a baby Screaming Bloody Murder, that baby is housing a Fighting Spirit. We got to see the baby as she was wheeled out of the room; Buck-Ed Naked, Kicking, and Screaming. We got to see her after she was cleaned up, Still Kicking and screaming, but wrapped up at this point. A little cutie, too!

We went into see Wanda a few minutes later; her hair scattered all over, her lips puffy from the screaming and heavy breathing, and Dead Dog Tired. Poor girl was LOOPY from the loss of weight, and the Drugs.

Anyhoo, that is All I can remember.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

On The Fifteenth Day: The Day You Graduated (Choose Any that You Remember Most)

That is me on one of the Proudest Moments of My Life.

Monday, June 24, 1996: My High School Graduation.

My beard and haircut was TIGHT back in the Day!!

My Math Tutor Mr. Ira Stern took this picture just as I was about to hand my name card to the announcer just before I went onto the stage.

Let's rewind...

The day was a Beautiful Day: Sunshine, and I woke up at 7 AM with a sense of accomplishment:

A 3.42 GPA, Graduating in the Top 25 in My Class, and a Kidney Transplant Recipient who NEVER Gave Up.

I had Breakfast with the Family that morning, as a smile was on my face. My yearbook was on the dining room table as I looked at it with Pride. After breakfast, I got showered and dressed, and then put on my Gown with my Cap on my bedroom desk. Before I left the house, I wrote a note for My Parents and left it on my Yearbook:

"Please Don't Forget Me" (They held onto that note for 2 years, while I attended Beaver College; stuck on the fridge).

I left the house at 8 AM, and was at Germantown High School by 8:30 AM. My classmates and I were happy that this day FINALLY came! We hugged, shook hands, reminisced about the last four years. We all loaded up onto the school bus, and were on our way to The Dell Music Center where the festivities would commence.

We all lined up as soon as we all got off the school bus, ready to soak in the day. We all marched in to cheers and applause while we waved to the crowd. What a feeling; All of that Hard Work culminated into THIS DAY!!

After we took our positions at our seats. we remained standing and we Saluted our Flag. Afterwards, the ceremony began. The Heads of the Schools (both Principals and Speakers for the schools; Germantown AND Germantown-Lankenau) spoke their speeches. All were dull and boring about how this a changing day in our lives, how we are going into the Real World with the knowledge that we have accumulated, blah, blah, blah, etc., etc., etc. (SECRETLY, It WAS Important to hear all of that).

Select Classmates (1 male, 1 female) sang for everyone present at our Commencement Ceremony.

When all was said and done, the Moment we ALL have been waiting for: DIPLOMA!!

We all lined up, Cameras were flashing on this gorgeous Sunny Day during our outdoor Festivities. One by One, my classmates' names were called out by the announcer who took our name cards as we climbed 6 stairs, walked across the stage, shook hands/hugged School Admins, and score our Diploma. My Clasmates were cheered by all, and it was truly awesome to witness.

Then I get up to the stairs.

I give my card to the Announcer, and as I climbed the stairs, I hear this:

"Mr. Andrew Boyd!"

The VERY FIRST Time that I was Addressed as Mr.!!!

Imagine MY Giddiness!!

I keep it together, and I point to the sky with both hands, and then the UNTHINKABLE Happen.

I received a Standing Ovation, from EVERYONE. NO JOKE; A Standing "O"!!!

I will NEVER Know Why it happened, yet i am Still Humbled by this. I shake hands with School Admins, and hug my Principal Dr. Slater. As soon as my arms went around her, the Green and White Balloon Arch fell over.

Let me Explain something to You All: whenever Something falls over around or near me, SHIT HAPPENS. It NEVER Fails!!

I receive my Diploma, rather, My Diploma Cover, and I leave the stage to return to my seat.After everyone crossed over and received their covers, we have been introduced as "The Germantown High School and Germantown-Lankenau Motivational Program Annex Graduating Class of 1996!!" We move our tassels from right to left, and we waved our Caps; a few were thrown, but hey...


When the ceremony was over, we went to the backstage area of the Ceremony, and received our Diplomas. We said our final goodbyes to everyone: Hugs, Kisses, handshakes, and tears.

This Day will FOREVER be engraved in my mind. Who knew that the adventure ahead of me would be a First for my Mom's Side of the Family:

I am the First Immediate Boyd to venture off to College.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

On The Fourteenth Day: The Day You Hate to See Coming

The most popular answer to this question for ANYONE May very well be the day of their own demise or that of someone that they hold dear and near.

For me, I can Appreciate that type of day. You Love, You Lose; that is how Life works.

A Day that I Hate to See Come would be Not Applicable; there isn't a day that I cannot imagine to not see coming.

I say this because each Day presents a new Challenge. In those Challenges, it tests your Mettle as a Human Being: either you are Strong, or you are Weak when a situation arises. Then, AND ONLY THEN, will you know if that is a Day that you Hate to See Coming.

Looking at it and thinking about it, can you REALLY Hate "That Day"? What did "That Day" do to you for you to Hate its Arrival? Is it Loss? Is it Love? Is it a Day that'll expose who you TRULY are in the Face of Adversity?

Personally, I would look "That Day" in the eye, Spit in it, and Press Forward as I LOOK FORWARD to the Next Day.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

On The Thirteenth day: A Christmas Day Memory


There are SOOO Many!! If I were to choose one Christmas Day Memory, I would choose the one that made My Parents', my brother Calvin's, and MY OWN JAWS DROP.

*Intriguing Disclaimer: This story will feature Family from my Dad's side of the Family; his Oldest Sister in particular. The type of person that she is, I will ask you to think the Most ANTI-SOCIAL person that you Know Personally. Multiply that person's "Anti" by 100. That is my Dad's sister.*

The First Christmas at our New apartment (Circa 1990) after our move from our old apartment is the Christmas Day of choice.

This Christmas, My brother and I made out like BANDITS:

-A Gameboy each
-A Huffy Bike each
-Video Games for our Nintendo AND Gameboys

A Truly Awesome Cleanup for us, yet it was even more awesome when we helped our parents with Christmas Dinner. I cannot remember what we had, but I DO remember that Calvin wanted to do Cheese hor d'oeuvres. He cut up the Cheddar, stuck toothpicks into them, and then dropped them while walking around like a little waiter.

The Cheese got carpeted!! Poor little brother...

Ever the Good Sport, he picked up the cheese, dusted it all off, and STILL Served!

As more Family came over, my Grandparents (Grandma Rubye, Grandpa Jim, and Grandma Anna), My Aunt Mattie, Uncle Bill, with their Daughter (Now A Captain in the U.S. ARMY) Renata, Uncle Tony, cousins Derrick, Dorthea, Great Great Aunt Grace, Great Uncle Daniel (The VERY SAME Uncle Daniel of whom I speak often), Aunt Nancy, Uncle Roland, cousins Donna and Bill, and My Dad's Oldest Sister, Vendetta.


Vinnie for Short.

We all are having dinner; socializing, cracking jokes, singing, game playing, and a lot of Love being shown. Uncle Tony even gave money away for a Talent Show!

YEAH... This Christmas was AWESOME!!!

Of course, Vinnie is quietly off to the corner by herself, not making eye contact or speaking. Why was she there, I will NEVER Know; MAYBE for the Free Food and she was afraid of being alone at my Grandma Rubye and Grandpa Jim's home. OR, she genuinely wanted to be there.

As everyone had their fill of Good Food and Drink, My Parents, Calvin, and I beared witness to what I could ONLY Describe as a Christmas Miracle:

Mom and Dad were cleaning up a bit, so that the clutter of plasticware and paper products was not insane. While Mom was arranging the table for Dessert, Vinnie stepped to my Mom and Dad. She spoke to my mother (SIDEBAR: She DISLIKES My Mother with a Passion for one of or both VERY DUMB Reasons; either my Mom was TOO Dark for Vinnie's Taste, and/or Mom Married Dad and she wasn't cool with that. MY PHILOSOPHY is Simple: If You had a Man, You WOULD NOT be All Up in their Happiness). These sentences STILL sends a Chill Up and Down My Spine:

"You have a very lovely Home, and I truly enjoyed your cooking!"

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, she said it Loud Enough for everyone to hear, and THIS was the Reaction:

Mom took it ALL IN STRIDE: "Thank You! I Really Appreciate You saying that!"

Of ALL of the Amazing Christmases, THAT ONE Stands Out the Most.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

On The Twelfth Day: A Day You Wish You Could Do Differently

I was about to go in HARD on this Blog, then I took a shower this morning.

Thinking about what I wanted to write while doing the Rub-A-Dub Dance with cascading 100 degree water and steam billowing from my shower, it became clear to me that once again, there isn't anything that I want to write.

When I thought about it, a do over (in MY MIND) on a particular day tells me that I regret an action that I may have committed at the time. I am learning NOT to regret what I have done for one reason:

At that Point in Time, that was EXACTLY What I Wanted (in some cases, NEEDED) to Do.

So to the Mulligan, I say No: there are No Days that I wish to Do Over.

Look! There's A Cat!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

On the Eleventh Day: A Daydream You Have Often

I KNOW that I am going to get some Giggles and Chuckles, but Fuck It!!

Everyone, This is Yu-Gi-Oh!: A VERY Popular Trading Card Game that found its way to our shores by way of Japan back in the early 1990's. A game that is SO Popular, they have Regional, United States, AND World Championship Tournaments in places like NYC, L.A., China, and usually Japan. You can win Trophies, The RAREST Cards (One Print in some cases), and Yu-Gi-Oh! Street Cred as the Best in the World of this particular game.

What you are looking at is a standard Duel Field. The object of the game is very simple: Beat Your Opponent by Special Stipulations listed on the card, or the most common way, drop their 8000 Life Points to Zero.

Looking at the cards and the points in the picture, a few strategies are coming to mind as we speak. It is Fun, and at times frustrating due to not getting the hand that you are hoping and your opponent has you on the ropes. But I Digress...

When I am not playing this game, I am thinking about it. For me personally, there are a few cards that I Daydream about:

The Egyptian God Cards (I Own All 3)

Stardust Dragon

Majestic Star Dragon

Shooting Star Dragon

Yubel Set

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen: I am a Geek! I can play this game and put together strategies pretty well.

I Thank a Young Man who was all of 15 at the time (I was about 22 at that Weekend Tournament) who showed me the ropes of Deck Construction and Strategies. I can teach you how to get those cards out and maximize their abilities for Dominating Victories, BUT I Digress...

Those cards are what I daydream about. I can see them walking with me (flying, citing that they have wings), and seeing how their Summon Entrances would play out. The above cards I can see almost daily while doing something as simple as looking out of the window while washing dishes. It is doubly cool when you actually see their Summons in the Cartoon Series and in the Video Game outlets then imagine how they would play out in the World.

A little strange I know, yet that is My Kink and My Quirk.

I have heard stranger things that people daydream about, yet it is better than shooting up places and beating people up, only to go to Jail to Meet an Angry Male or Female named "BIG JIM"... o_O


Sunday, March 10, 2013

On The Tenth Day: A Day You'd Rather Forget

I have none: Plain and Simple.

The reason Why I say this is because Each Day that I Lived, I learned and Grew from that lesson.

"A Day Forgotten, is a Day Wasted." -Andrew Boyd

Saturday, March 9, 2013

On the Ninth Day: The Day You Discovered the Internet

This'll be Quick and Painless!

I discovered the World Wide Web back in 1996; Beaver College Years. I went to the Computer Lab to do an Assignment. I needed to research some items for my assignment, and I was taught about the Internet by Aaron Stallworth. He showed me how to get onto Netscape (Look How Dated I AM!!), set up my Hotmail Account, and how to research. His Patience was Amazing and I am forever grateful for what he taught me!

With what he taught me, I created my VERY FIRST Personal Website!

He also went on to teach me about a Chat Room program that required Internet: WBS. I met some Very Interesting Personalities in the Virtual Universe, and had a lot of fun!

Overall, from there on, the Internet has been Great to and for me! Without this form of Communication and Information, I would miss out on more than I would ever realize.

Friday, March 8, 2013

On the Eighth Day: A Day You Realized What You Wanted to Do/Be

The First Video is my Dear Friend Almond Joy; the Young Lady that lit the Proverbial Fuse. This was the Fateful Weekend: March 21, 2010. A.J. told me that she was performing that weekend, and wondered if I could come out to Support. I said Yes without hesitation. I took the Greyhound to NYC to meet Joyous One for the VERY FIRST TIME. We hugged when I arrived, like long time friends reuniting. She went with me to the hotel where I made reservations, and I dropped off my Bag. We then went to Dallas BBQ and I met another awesome person:

Her Kweenliness herself, Kali!!!

I hugged Kali tightly, and we all went inside and had dinner before the Erotic Poetry Show where A.J. would perform; located in Mt. Vernon. While eating, we took a few pics (I KNOW that Kali will NOT have me post them here; something  about " I'm a diva and I have a reputation to uphold...I am my own PR." *nudging* Lub U!! *^_^*) and had fun. THEN, I accidentally spilled my Margarita and it traveled in Kali's direction. THANKFULLY, her Kweenliness caught it, and we all helped her clean it up (I am Still SOOO Sorry about that!!).

After dinner, we made a quick stop to A.J.'s place, then we went to the Erotic Poetry Show. Overall, the show was Awesome! I heard some great poetry, and got an Eyeful from a Banana Eating Contest (Still get flashes every now and then).

Now we come to the First Video. This is the Day where Destiny Struck.

Joy performed at a Synchronized Rhythm show at The Shrine in Harlem. That was the video I took. Little did I know, A.J. would do the Unexpected, and Amazing:

After listening to her perform her pieces (between the day before and that day), I switched to the Notes App on my phone and started typing. When I was done (and back in Philly), "Transforming Us" was born. I passed the poem to A.J., and she LOVED IT!!!

Right then and there, I KNEW that My Poetic Side had returned! For 14 years, it was buried, and it took a Trip to NYC to have it return!

The Second Video was taken at Woosah Wednesday's One year Anniversary. Woosah Wednesday was introduced to me by my friends Baeednah Anderson, Jade Williams, and Larry Freeman. Baeednah read my poems, loved them, and directed me to their event. I was NERVOUS!!! I JUST came off of opening up for my friend N'Tirzah's show in June, and here it is November  and I am performing in Philly after TRYING Every Trick in the Book to find a Spoken Word Place here! baeednah hooked me up, and I am THANKFUL!!!

It was a Full House, teeming with Great Local Talent! My turn came up, and that was when I showed the Room what I was made of:

As you heard, the response was AMAZING!!! The feeling that I had then (despite my nervous tone) is the same feeling that I have now:

THIS is MY Calling!!

From that point on, I Wrote, and Performed. and the End Result?


Thursday, March 7, 2013

On The Seventh Day: The Day You Found Your First Best Friend

See that guy up there?

Not Me! The Other Guy!! :-P

THAT, is The Single GREATEST Friend that I Know (NO Offense to Any of You!). He has been there through my Ups and Downs, Lights and Darks, Best and Worst for the past 23 Years. He has done ONE THING that Cemented Who he is and What he means to me.

His name is Ricarto "Rick" (I Personally spell it Ric for a reason which will be explained) Brazela, and he is My Very First Best Friend.

I met Ric in January of 1991 in the Seventh Grade at Thomas K. Finletter Elementary/Middle School. We were cordial and all, even taught me a little bit about Chess. Great guy to be around, and Dangerously Honest; like myself, he tells it like it is!

We played with the neighborhood kids, and we got along very well, and became friends. We hung around each other's families, played sports, even played "Hide and Seek" with our friends in Caldor. We had some very good times together!

Then, My Kidney Transplant on December 9, 1993.

Around December 19, he, my brother, and our good friend Mark showed up to cheer me up while I was still recovering. They chipped in and got me wrestling magazines, and gave me Get Well cards; a wonderful gesture that they didn't need to do. All I wanted and needed were My Friends: ALL of them there in Support. Ric and Mark were the ONLY Two that Showed Up from our Group. What ever reason the other six had, that is on them: #RealTalk.

I still have a pretty good relationship with Mark; he clowns on my FB page from time to time. Ric MADE IT A POINT to keep me safe during my recovery; as if he was (AND I consider him as) My Brother.

I will not lie: He is Something Special, and GOD FORBID if something Bad happened to him. I WOULD LOSE IT!!!

Ric is an Attorney in Washington, DC, and an active member of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. I am Always Happy, Proud, Humbled, and Honored to have him in My Life.

To Ricarto Brazela, ESQ: Thank You, for Everything.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

On The Sixth Day: The Day You First Held a Job

TECHNICALLY, My First Job was at Beaver College (Now known as Arcadia University) in a Work Study Program as a Print Shop Worker. It was pretty cool; learned how Brochures and Pamphlets were made, and learned how to use a Xerox Copier (I sound SOOO Dated saying that!!). It was literally connected to the Mail room of the College, where we passed our completed pamphlets and flyers that were designated for the students and staff of Beaver.

How convenient, right?

I learned from the Best: Wayne G. Force, Print Shop Manager. Those closest to him call him "The Man of a Thousand Stories", and DAMMIT he had Stories for you! Now that I am thinking about it, I wonder if he found what he was looking for in Nevada... *reminiscing*

All of the lessons I learned about printing came from college and Wayne.

I also worked at the Children's Center at Beaver College as well during the Summer and School Season, being a Day Care Provider for the children of the Students and Faculty that go to Beaver. One time while working there, I put ALL of the kids in Time Out for jumping off of the book shelf; Spankings were COMPLETELY out of the Question, so a Dark room with Crying kids for about 15 minutes was WELL WORTH IT!! They Apologized and All, and KNEW that Mr. Andrew DID NOT Play That! Other than that, the babies (ranging from 2-6) were adorable and fun to be around; they kept me TIRED!!!

The one that stood out at the Children's Center was Claire. She was a shy little Angel who really didn't say anything at the beginning of the day (a little tired, and a little shy). When she warmed up, she was around the kids, and spoke ever so softly to the Providers and Teachers about her shoes being unbuckled/untied, or help with opening her lunch.

I can still see her: blue eyes, blonde hair, dressed very nicely. And when she smiled? Melts your Heart! Made me want to have a Baby with someone back then! LOL!!

After leaving Beaver, I worked for Nordstrom full time starting on March 19, 1998. I learned a lot about retail, the ins and outs of communicating with other Nordstrom Stores, and Customer Service. This was my First Full Time Job, and I was with them for 8 Years, earning Customer Service All-Star Status in December 1999, and a 5-Year Certificate in 2003. I was promoted to Assistant Department Manager of Shoes on Valentine's Day 2002; One HUGE Gift!! I also did an interview with The United Way for their Annual Fundraiser, where I spoke on my Personal Experiences as a Kidney Transplant Recipient.

I parted ways with them due to My Medical Condition taking a turn on September 23, 2006, and taking with me Years of Experience and leaving a permanent mark as the Gold Standard of Customer Service (as Many coworkers and managers said of me).

After My Second Kidney Transplant, I tried to return to them. Sadly, I was turned down (new management that had no idea of my situation, where I was on Medical Leave AND I told them that; Life Happens).

*NOTE: The reason why I Chose this particular pic is that the "H&M" that is there USED to be Nordstrom Rack, before they were Shut Down in late 2002, due to Poor Sales, and the opening of the Site to where I was promoted: Nordstrom Rack King of Prussia*

However, as I have ALWAYS Learned and Known, Life Works Out. ;-D