Wednesday, March 13, 2013

On The Thirteenth day: A Christmas Day Memory


There are SOOO Many!! If I were to choose one Christmas Day Memory, I would choose the one that made My Parents', my brother Calvin's, and MY OWN JAWS DROP.

*Intriguing Disclaimer: This story will feature Family from my Dad's side of the Family; his Oldest Sister in particular. The type of person that she is, I will ask you to think the Most ANTI-SOCIAL person that you Know Personally. Multiply that person's "Anti" by 100. That is my Dad's sister.*

The First Christmas at our New apartment (Circa 1990) after our move from our old apartment is the Christmas Day of choice.

This Christmas, My brother and I made out like BANDITS:

-A Gameboy each
-A Huffy Bike each
-Video Games for our Nintendo AND Gameboys

A Truly Awesome Cleanup for us, yet it was even more awesome when we helped our parents with Christmas Dinner. I cannot remember what we had, but I DO remember that Calvin wanted to do Cheese hor d'oeuvres. He cut up the Cheddar, stuck toothpicks into them, and then dropped them while walking around like a little waiter.

The Cheese got carpeted!! Poor little brother...

Ever the Good Sport, he picked up the cheese, dusted it all off, and STILL Served!

As more Family came over, my Grandparents (Grandma Rubye, Grandpa Jim, and Grandma Anna), My Aunt Mattie, Uncle Bill, with their Daughter (Now A Captain in the U.S. ARMY) Renata, Uncle Tony, cousins Derrick, Dorthea, Great Great Aunt Grace, Great Uncle Daniel (The VERY SAME Uncle Daniel of whom I speak often), Aunt Nancy, Uncle Roland, cousins Donna and Bill, and My Dad's Oldest Sister, Vendetta.


Vinnie for Short.

We all are having dinner; socializing, cracking jokes, singing, game playing, and a lot of Love being shown. Uncle Tony even gave money away for a Talent Show!

YEAH... This Christmas was AWESOME!!!

Of course, Vinnie is quietly off to the corner by herself, not making eye contact or speaking. Why was she there, I will NEVER Know; MAYBE for the Free Food and she was afraid of being alone at my Grandma Rubye and Grandpa Jim's home. OR, she genuinely wanted to be there.

As everyone had their fill of Good Food and Drink, My Parents, Calvin, and I beared witness to what I could ONLY Describe as a Christmas Miracle:

Mom and Dad were cleaning up a bit, so that the clutter of plasticware and paper products was not insane. While Mom was arranging the table for Dessert, Vinnie stepped to my Mom and Dad. She spoke to my mother (SIDEBAR: She DISLIKES My Mother with a Passion for one of or both VERY DUMB Reasons; either my Mom was TOO Dark for Vinnie's Taste, and/or Mom Married Dad and she wasn't cool with that. MY PHILOSOPHY is Simple: If You had a Man, You WOULD NOT be All Up in their Happiness). These sentences STILL sends a Chill Up and Down My Spine:

"You have a very lovely Home, and I truly enjoyed your cooking!"

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, she said it Loud Enough for everyone to hear, and THIS was the Reaction:

Mom took it ALL IN STRIDE: "Thank You! I Really Appreciate You saying that!"

Of ALL of the Amazing Christmases, THAT ONE Stands Out the Most.


Thee_Kween said...

LOL...Vinnie, huh? wow...sounds like a movie.

ABoyd378 said...


Yep, Vinnie is a Piece of Work... *SMH*

No Labels said...

Vendetta....rofl. I know Calvin didn't want to waste that good cheese rinse it off and keep it

ABoyd378 said...


He was Proud to cut it up and serve it, too!