Wednesday, March 20, 2013

On The Twentieth Day: The Most Memorable Day of Your Childhood

This day was a warm day, where my parents, my brother Calvin, and I decided to sit outside and enjoy the afternoon. I was six at the time.

*Before I go any further, I need You All to know that there was a phone call that came in earlier, and Mom picked it up. She then pulled Dad into their bedroom so they could talk.*

While sitting outside and having a nice time outside of the apartment building's stoop, a man walks up to us. He hugs my Mom, shook Dad's hand (from what I can recollect). Mom introduced Calvin to him, and then Me:

Mom: "Andrew, this is Lamont. He is Your Father."

*SIDEBAR: I'll be using this pic a little more often...*

ALL OF THIS TIME, I Thought that the Man by whom I was raised was My Father; WHY ELSE would I call him "Dad"?

Lamont shakes my hand, and asks how I was doing. I tell him that I was fine like a regular seven-year-old would respond. My parents speak to one another briefly, and then Lamont returns to speaking with me. He said verbatim:

"We are going to spend time together! We will go to McDonald's, talk some more and learn a little more about one another. Does that sound good to You?"

I was smiling a little bit, STILL Processing what was going on. I then grew into the idea, and said, "OK."

At this point, Mom said the ONE THING that Shaped Me into Who I am today, and Why I have a CLEAR and Stomach Churning Disdain for a Particular Word:

"Lamont, don't make Promises that you do not intend to keep."

Lamont responds, "I Promise."

He said that he would pick me up the next Saturday, and my parents were good with that arrangement.

That Saturday rolled around: No Lamont.

I'm going to be Honest with You All:

To this Day, I still have ZERO MEMORY of the 3-6 months after that Day came and went.

Was it for the better? Hell No.

Am I better off NOT Knowing? Hell No.

Dad brought it up in my mid-twenties, and he said that he and Mom had to deal with the Backlash that followed: My being a Tyrant due to someone lying to me for the Very First Time.

SOME FUCKING STRANGER WHO HAD THE FUCKING NERVE TO CALL HIMSELF MY FATHER LIED TO ME; He Promised that we would do things together, and he LIED to a Child's Face!!!

Yeah, I have a Nasty Taste in My Mouth bringing this Up, yet this is what I chose to Dig Up; I can only Blame Myself, to Tell the Truth (Discussing this Day, NOT Lamont Lying to Me; The Fuck did I do to him? Besides, This is Therapy; I need to express how I feel instead of keeping it all in. Hmmm. Day 31, perhaps...).

Anyhow, Life has a Way of showing that I WAS Better Off NOT Knowing him:

He is a Drug Addicted Alcoholic who was In and Out of Jail, all the while being a Lying Deadbeat Sperm Donor who created with Another Young Lady My Little Sister with whom I Love to Pieces.

She and I buried him in Early February of 2009, due to his actions causing a Fatal Car Accident where he killed three others including himself while Speeding on the Highway in Delaware.


No Labels said...

I can feel your pain as far as an absentee "sperm donor goes". As for mine, he waited until my freshman year of college before acting like he wanted an opportunity to be in my life. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but my grandma was worried--said almost the same thing your mom did, "Don't make promises you can't keep." Needless to say, he never showed up for our meeting, either. I definitely feel your pain.

ABoyd378 said...


Mahoganydymond™ said...

WOW.... I know this was kinda painful and made you a little bitter... Well good thing you had your mother and your DAD (the man who raised you)... From reading your entries.. You were better off... You turned out to be a good man...

As the Budda Flows said...

My God... smh

ABoyd378 said...

*nodding* yeah...