Monday, March 11, 2013

On the Eleventh Day: A Daydream You Have Often

I KNOW that I am going to get some Giggles and Chuckles, but Fuck It!!

Everyone, This is Yu-Gi-Oh!: A VERY Popular Trading Card Game that found its way to our shores by way of Japan back in the early 1990's. A game that is SO Popular, they have Regional, United States, AND World Championship Tournaments in places like NYC, L.A., China, and usually Japan. You can win Trophies, The RAREST Cards (One Print in some cases), and Yu-Gi-Oh! Street Cred as the Best in the World of this particular game.

What you are looking at is a standard Duel Field. The object of the game is very simple: Beat Your Opponent by Special Stipulations listed on the card, or the most common way, drop their 8000 Life Points to Zero.

Looking at the cards and the points in the picture, a few strategies are coming to mind as we speak. It is Fun, and at times frustrating due to not getting the hand that you are hoping and your opponent has you on the ropes. But I Digress...

When I am not playing this game, I am thinking about it. For me personally, there are a few cards that I Daydream about:

The Egyptian God Cards (I Own All 3)

Stardust Dragon

Majestic Star Dragon

Shooting Star Dragon

Yubel Set

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen: I am a Geek! I can play this game and put together strategies pretty well.

I Thank a Young Man who was all of 15 at the time (I was about 22 at that Weekend Tournament) who showed me the ropes of Deck Construction and Strategies. I can teach you how to get those cards out and maximize their abilities for Dominating Victories, BUT I Digress...

Those cards are what I daydream about. I can see them walking with me (flying, citing that they have wings), and seeing how their Summon Entrances would play out. The above cards I can see almost daily while doing something as simple as looking out of the window while washing dishes. It is doubly cool when you actually see their Summons in the Cartoon Series and in the Video Game outlets then imagine how they would play out in the World.

A little strange I know, yet that is My Kink and My Quirk.

I have heard stranger things that people daydream about, yet it is better than shooting up places and beating people up, only to go to Jail to Meet an Angry Male or Female named "BIG JIM"... o_O



Thee_Kween said...

lol...well, I guess I ain't crazy by myself...

ABoyd378 said...


Crazy LOVES A Lot of Company! ;-)

No Labels said...

Yu-gi-oh! is serious business... :)

ABoyd378 said...

Sure enough is!

And Still going Strong! ;-)