Saturday, March 30, 2013

On The Thirtieth Day: Your Proudest Day to Date

There are SOOOO MANY!!!!

If I can select ONE DAY, it would be something Perpetual: My Proudest Day is when I Wake Up and Do something Positive.

I say this because that I try to accomplish this Every Day.

On One Hand, Waking Up is a Luxury for people in general.

On the Other Hand, there are those who are TRYING to Wake Up from Situations in which they are placed (albeit by their own hand, or by extenuating circumstance(s) ).

As far as doing something Positive, I try my hardest to be a Positive Influence by doing right by others,  Righting My Wrongs, Admitting Fault(s), Learning, and Growing from the lessons.

When those feats are Satisfied, I look at myself and I am Proud.


As the Budda Flows said...

its hard to say what your proudest moment is when you are still shooting for the stars

ABoyd378 said...

Very true... :-)

Thee_Kween said...

Y'all make me sick, LOL

ABoyd378 said...
