Tuesday, March 5, 2013

On the Fifth Day: The Day You First Fell In Love

This Challenge is going to be a short write, due to My Realizing that WHEN I Fell In Love (June 2007), I Broke Up with her 2 weeks prior.


Her name is Taina, and we have been in a relationship for 5½ years.

We first met while I was working in the Men's Department for Nordstrom Rack at Franklin Mills Mall in Philadelphia. She is the cousin of one of my coworkers. How it all began:

I was working the closing shift at the job that day, and I was approached by a young lady (Taina) and was asked if I knew where Wanda (her cousin) was within the store. I excused myself to find Wanda (whom I found quickly), and took her to her cousin. Wanda introduced us and we exchanged pleasantries. Taina stuck around until closing. When we all clocked out, Wanda, Taina, and I all took the bus together to get to our next destinations. We sat at the back of the bus, where the three of us were getting to know each other more. After we reached the last stop, we went our separate ways.

The next day at work, Wanda passed me her number, telling me that her cousin was interested in me. Long story short, we got together and started our relationship shortly thereafter.

For those 5½ years, we met each other's families, had good times, had bad times (What relationship didn't?), and went through loss and pain (Family Passing Away).

In May of 2007, we reached an impasse, and I pulled the trigger: ending our relationship.

About two weeks into June of 2007, I felt A LOT of Heartache and Grief over what I did; nauseous, even. Thinking about all that happened up to that day, I realized something:

I not ONLY Loved her, I was IN LOVE with her.

I knew that going back and telling her how I felt about her on that level would have been foolish on my end, due to my looking like an Idiot (In MY Eyes) after the fact. She told me that she was In Love with me weeks before that day happened.

I was Honest with myself later down the line: it was One Part Not Being Ready to say those words (I am In Love), and the Now VERY SMALL Part that caused the impasse. I was foolish, and I lost someone good at that time. Learning this about myself gave me a better understanding of expressing my feelings in that aspect as opposed to being afraid of that feeling.

I'm Learning... :-)


No Labels said...

Wow! Hindsight is 20-20.

ABoyd378 said...


No Doubt, No Labels...

Thee_Kween said...

Aww po tink tink (((HUGS))))

ABoyd378 said...

*HUGS* :-)

I am only Human, and I need to earn to Utilize and Embrace my Feelings when it comes to My Heart. I cannot be afraid to say How I Feel, and I am doing a better job now. :-)

Divaprocessor said...

We have all made this mistake in life..the lesson is you have learned from it..Thanks for sharing this

The God'ess said...

A great lesson learned, even through the pain.

ABoyd378 said...

*nodding* :-) for Diva

ABoyd378 said...

Absolutely, The God'ess. :-)